Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cover Letter

Manweller 1

Caitlin Manweller

English Composition: Final Portfolio/Cover letter

Mrs. Tetterton

15 December 2010

I have never truly liked writing. I have never been good at it. I took English Composition to improve my writing, and to feel more comfortable with assignments that would force me to write. It was something I needed to gain from this class, and although I am still definitely not a writer, I know that through this course I have improved, or at least feel more comfortable with the process.

At the beginning of the semester, I did not really know what to expect from this course. I did not know how or if it would even help and it was something that I was hesitant towards at first. I came in knowing what little I had learned in previous years, and in return I got information that would aid me in projects to come. This class helped me with every aspect of writing. It taught me how to connect my personal experiences with what I was writing about, and how to incorporate that into all types of writing. I learned not only the building blocks of what it takes to execute a well written paper; I learned how to do that in the best way I could. This class taught me how to analyze all types of text and to understand it, while I had not truly understood it before.

Most of the revisions I made in my two papers were small and grammar related, or were to make certain areas of my paper more clear. Some of my writing tends to be a little vague, and so I tried to improve this by going back through and addressing these problems. While I probably did not catch all of them, I know the ones that I did will now make my papers stronger. This skill for assessing whether a sentence is vague or not is something else I learned in this class, and it has made me a better writer.

I know that by being in this class, I have gained the knowledge that will help me write more proficiently, and that will develop even more in my classes to come. I will take what I have learned in this course with me throughout my college life and my aspirations beyond that. I may never be a great writer, but now I am a little bit better at it.

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